Safety Guidelines
· All training activities are to be under the supervision of Sensei.
· Training equipment shall only be used under the supervision of Sensei.
· Free sparring is not permitted outside of advanced training class; advanced training classes are for Sensei only.
· All self-defense and free sparring activities require safety gear to be worn by all participants. The free sparring protective gear minimum is a mouth guard, foot guards, hand guards, head protection, and groin protection for males. The self-defense protective gear minimum is a mouth guard for all students, and groin protection for males.
· Mats will be used for any technique with potential torso or head to ground contact, such as rolls, throws, or self-defense techniques.
· All injuries, equipment failure, or dojo damage should be reported immediately to the leading Sensei for the class.
· Injuries that include persistent sharp pain require a minimum of a 1-week break from regular training.
· Training is prohibited while an individual is under the influence of alcohol or any drug that impairs function or judgment. It is the responsibility of the student to inform Sensei of changes in physical condition, injuries, and health.
Etiquette Guidelines
· A respectful bow is desired of all members entering and exiting the dojo.
· Shoes shall be removed at the platform outside the dojo entrance and neatly placed in designated area.
· For questions during class, raise your hand and direct your questions to the lead Sensei for that class.
· Instructors should be addressed with respect and using the <insert first name here> Sensei courtesy title.
· Training involves active listening and participation, be alert and responsive.
· Present a positive and respectful attitude and manner.
· Training sessions are for students only. All introductions to Sensei are through pre-arranged appointments.
· Members should attend their regularly scheduled sessions. Extended absence should be discussed with Sensei.
· All members are required to attend class in a clean complete white karate uniform.
· All jewelry and body adornments must be removed prior to training.
· Phone usage is limited to emergency and ride request calls placed by the lead Sensei for that session.
· Leave changing room, restroom, and dojo in neat condition.
· Do not leave valuables in the changing room. Purses or wallets may be placed under the benches during class.
· No leaning against the mirrors, dojo walls, plant stands, or training equipment.
· Parking is not permitted on the alley.
· No smoking within the dojo, outside of the dojo, or on the alley.
· Conversations through the alley to the dojo should be in a quiet voice as to not disturb our neighbors.